(1)Other Titles

Looking to Hire (Example)
Looking to hire example! It would be best if you could add when you last updated in the graphic, incase you decided to leave your Candle.gg profile!

Likes / RT's Appreciated
Vouch for your friends and your past collaborators by leaving a review for them! People can browse their profile and see your written reviews. You can also tag your collaborators in projects, and they will appear on the top right of your profile!

I can vlog and I can do very simple edits on vlogs!

This is an anime version of me doing a WcDonalds advertisement! #ad (Example purposes lol)

This is a Twitch highlight example, uploaded on Youtube.

Commission Rates
This is just a mock design of an example of how you can have your commission rates on here!

Collaborator Example
Testing the collaborators!

Cheeryio is great to work with! Very punctual with meetings, organized with schedules and very responsive on Discord. (This is just an example of how you can use a review!) If you are looking to write a review for a friend or a colleague, be sure to leave them a nice detailed review rather than just a "vouch" because no one knows what exactly you're "vouching" for! Use this section nicely. You can only write a review for one user once, but you can always update it by editing it!
4 years ago